Friday, August 25, 2006

Class Level Assignments!

Today was just about the most exciting thing ever! Okay, well maybe not, but we did learn which levels we will be teaching for the coming fall term. Each class has about 12-13 students and each teacher has four classes but only two preps (only two different levels to prepare for at one time.)

So, without benefit of a drum roll....I got three AIs and a BI, which are third and fifth semesters at the American Home. Not all of them come in at the lowest level. Some of them have study in school and want the extra practice. Some of them studied when they were in the school and want to brush up again. Actually, I am really looking forward to it. It's going to be a great time!

Well, today is Friday. Unfortunately, out picnic for tomorrow is shut down because of a strong chance of rain. Hopefully the weather will premit it some time soon. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

1 comment:

annie said...

A1, it's how steak is done. I taught a lot of A1. Get to lovin' Forrest Gump.