Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Vilnius, Part the First

A late night flight on Monday got me to Vilnius. Thus far, I've found it very agreeable. The people are nice, it's clean, and everything is very inexpensive - although, I admit, in each of those categories, it's hard not to give Moscow stiff competition. Also, it's telling that when I typed the list above, I inadvertently typed "the people are nice" twice. About the only negative so far is language and, while Lithuanian is pretty difficult on it's own, that's certainly not Vilnius's fault. I'm barely at the "hello," "please," and "thank you" stage, but most people here in the center of the city where I am speak at least a little English, as usual with a strong bias toward people of my generation. In any case, some pictures. As you can tell, the weather yesterday was overcast, which is the norm, but today was certainly sunny--if not terribly warm.

Gedimas st., the main one.

Cathedral, 18th c.

Late Medieval castle, 14th c.

River and accopanying greenway.

Across the river, modern buildings. Haven't ventured over there yet, but I'm sure I will.

I just liked the juxtaposition of half a dozen styles and eras all in one block.

Can anyone explain these to me: bottles with flowers in them, tied with ribbon and hanging from the street-lining trees near my guest house.

Also, in case you should ask, I'm here working. the archives of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Lithuania are open 8-4, so I get the evenings to explore, drink coffee, and have dinner. Looking forward to a solid ten days of interesting work, but also a little more relaxing time off!

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