Saturday, February 10, 2007

Avast Ye' Survey Dogs...

...Turn Loose the Prisoners or Prepare to Walk the Plank.

So, I was sitting at there kitchen table the other day grading homework, when someone (you know who you are) decided to give me a temporary tattoo: you can see the results for yourself.

This week flew by very quickly, with lots of work and craziness. Today has not been a lot better; I did sleep in a little, but I've also spent the day working and helping prepare for the Mardi Gras party that we are having next Saturday. Tomorrow, there will be no coming to the American Home at all! Instead, I'm going to read in the coffee shop, play some chess, maybe go ice-skating or skiing. Who knows what tomorrow brings, but it is a day off!

I leave you with a self-picture of Nicole, Molly, and I during our foiled attempt to go skiing at Park Druzhba last weekend. We were freezing!

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